

Hi, I'm Claudia! I am a 2020 graduate from Drexel University's Interactive Digital Media program specializing in multimedia design and development. As a Philadelphia native, I have learned from the liveliness, pace, and diversity of the urban environment and try to capture some of that vibrance in my work. I strive for a balance of creativity, transparency and accessibility in design.

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Boldly is a new type of social media marketing service that connects like-minded content creators and brands through a values-based matching algorithm. Think of it as a professional dating app! I have worked on Boldly for both Junior and Senior project.

Food Truck App Design

This is a prototype of a mobile food-ordering application for the Side of the Road Jerk Chicken food truck. This app was designed with the purpose of creating and experiences that speaks to the familiarity of an existing brand and user-base while streamlining the ordering process.


DogEared is a lighthearted take on Audible's platform that highlights how interaction design and motion graphics can be used to enhance the user's experience.