What Mythical Creature Will You Find on Your Adventure?

Once upon a time, when magical beings still roamed the land and inhabited the seas, when the rules of the earth were determined by four distinct elements – water, fire, wind, and terra – in a small picturesque farming village located on the fringes of a lush forest there lived a child. For decades, even centuries, the people of the village were contented, one might even say they were complacent. For there was much unpredictability in the outside world and their surroundings had a reputation of being particularly mercurial. But when this child, who would come to be widely known as of , was born on that attitude changed.
Throughout childhood the villager was intrigued by adventure and all of the unseen truths lying just out of reach, calling out to be uncovered. While the sheltered life may have its merits, what the child sook was something that the quaint village did not have to offer. The villager did lead a subdued existence for some time but eventually decided to pack their bags and head out into the outside world to see for certain what they had only heard about from tales of old.
image of a Hippogriff

You will encounter a


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Amidst the fern green rolling fields of France the traveler came across a magnificent creature. They identified the species as a Hippogriff, which accounted for its hesitant but otherwise friendly disposition. The creature told many insights that not only revealed to the traveler what steps should be taken next, but lead them to have a better understanding of their own past.

image of an Amphiptere

You will encounter an


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As the traveler walked along the Nile River river they took note of a frankincense tree, known for its valuable resin. As the traveler neared the tree they looked up to discover an Amphiptere. The Amphiptere, the protector of knowledge, agreed to share his insights with the traveler as long as his treasured resin was left untouched.

image of a Griffin

You will encounter a


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On the rocky terrain of the Pindus mountains in Greece, the traveler spotted in the distance a figure with a distinct head of an eagle and what looked like the body of large cat. As the traveler cautiously approached they realized that it was the legendary Griffin. The Griffin became a loyal companion to the traveler throughout their advetures.

image of a Panlong

You will encounter a


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Having followed a long stretch of the Ganges river for miles, the traveler became exhausted before they stumbled upon a breathtaking sight. Before the traveler's eyes was Panlong the river dragon. Panlong instilled the hope and vigor in the traveler's weary soul which they needed to continue on their quest.

image of a Hippocampus

You will encounter a


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As the traveler skirted a rocky outcrop along the saphire blue depths of the Aegean Sea, they spotted a disturbance in the waves. Out from under the surface came a hippocampus which would grant the traveler safe passage along their journey.

image of a Selkie

You will encounter a


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As the traveler explored the frigid rocky coast of Scotland they saw what looked like a seal sitting on the shore, but upon closer inspection it appeared to be a woman. This creature is a Selkie and would teach the traveler to look inward for the truths that they were in search of.

image of a Xiuhcoatl

You will encounter a


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As the traveler passed through an arid stretch of land in Mexico, they heard a rustling of small rocks behind them. The traveler turned to see a snake-like creature staring at them, the Xiuhcoatl flicked its tongue in a way that sounded like a flickering flame. The Xiuhcoatl gifted the traveler with warmth and light throughout the quest.

image of a Pheonix

You will encounter a


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As the traveler came upon an olive grove in Greece, they saw a brilliant accent of crimson peeking out from amongst the brown-green foliage. As the traveler got closer they noticed that it was a bird and it almost looked like it was bursting into flames. This creature was a Phoenix and it helped the traveler gain the resilience they needed to continue their mission.

image of a Fire Sprite

You will encounter a

Fire Sprite

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Along their journey the villager came across a fire sprite. The sprite's energy and understanding of how to interact with the mercurial world was instructive. Having a better sense of how to engage with their suroundings the villager was able to continue with their travels.

image of a Tatzelwurm

You will encounter a


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While passing through a small farm in Austria to reach the dense forest, something caught the traveler's attention. They saw one of the bales of hay shake and a small black head popped? out from it. The creature slithered out of the hay and headed to a wooded area. The traveler was able identify it as a Tatzelwurm. The traveler used the path of the Tatzelwurm to navigate the woods of Austria.

image of an Ent

You will encounter an


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In the dark, dank, forests of England, the traveler began to wander directionless. Underneath thick layers of of moss and weathered bark the traveler saw what resembled a face on a tall oak. As they neared the tree they felt the ground move from under it and heard it clear its throat. It was an Ent and it offered the traveler insights into how to read the signs in the natural world around them.

image of a Cadejo

You will encounter a


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Traveling at night on a dusty road from one desert town to the next, the traveler saw some shady human figures approach. Just as the traveler got close enough to see their menacing faces, their evil eyes widened in fear as they turned to run. That’s when the traveler noticed a strong goat-like smell in the air. A goat-like wolf was standing its ground just off to the side. It was a white Cadejo and it had come to grant the traveler safe passage.

image of a hippogriff


The Hippogriff, who can be traced back to both Greek and French mythology, has the body of a mare with the head and wings of a large eagle-like bird. The Hippogriff is said to be more tranquil and easier to tame than Griffins, who are a close relative of theirs. Hippogriffs are known to be extremely knowledgeable and grounded in reality.

image of an amphiptere


The Amphiptere is a winged legless fire-breathing serpent that can be traced back to Arabian and Egyptian mythology. The Amphiptere's realm is along the banks of the Nile River where frankincense trees grow. This creature protects the trees for their precious resin and keeps hidevaluable jewels. They are keepers of the knowledge of alchemy, turning lead into gold, and their blood confers the power to understand all animals.

image of a griffin


The Griffin is a traditional Greek mythical creature which has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an Eagle. Due to their majestic appearance and noble personality traits, griffins are refered to as being the King of Birds. That being said, griffins have a reputation of being mercurial in nature and they can be fearsome opponents.

image of a panlong dragon


Panlong are a type of Chinese Water Dragon. Water Dragons are known to be more reserved and less short tempered than the typical land dragon. Panlong have many admirable qualities which make them negotiators, but they are known for being overly optimistic and are not fully grounded in the reality of the physical world. Stumbling across a Panlong is almost always a good omen.

image of a hippocampus


Hippocampi have the upper half of a horse and the hindquarters of a serpent-like fish. They are best known for serving the Greek sea god, Poseidon, by drawing his chariot over the seas. Hippocampi are not seen as monsters, like the Kelpie of Scottish legends, but instead their personality is more closely alligned with that of a graceful and loyal horse.

image of a selkie


Selkies play a prominent role in Scottish folklore. They are close to being the Scottish equivalent to Mermaids, but there is a bit of a twist. Instead of being half-human and half-seal, Selkies are shapeshifters and have the ability to switch between human and seal forms. The Selkie is a peaceful and serene creature.

image of a xiuhcoatl


Xiuhcoatl is lizard-like reptile or fire serpent which is part of traditional Aztec folklore. It has a horned nose, whose job is to propel the sun across the sky, Xiuhcoatl is closely associated with heat, drought and dry grass and the color turquoise.

image of a pheonix


The Phoenix can be traced back to its Greek origin. It is a large bird of brilliant, radiant, shimmering red, yellow and purple plumage, the Phoenix lives for more than two hundred years. Before its death it builds its own pyre, lights it, burns and is reborn from the ashes.

image of a fire sprite

Fire Sprite

Lively and spirited, fire sprites are some of Earth’s most ancient spirits. They are present in every spark, flame and even smoke. Fire sprites can be of great size or so tiny as to be undetectable. The origin of fire sprites can be traced back to fairytales from many European cultures.

image of a Tatzelwurm


The Tazelwurm is an Austrian dragon-like creature. It has a long snake-like body from 2 to 6 feet. It has only two front legs, is covered in scales and has a cat-like head with big bright eyes. Although the Tazelwurm is generally reserved, it is predatory by nature and is said to frequent farms.

image of an Ent


An Ent is a shepherd of a group of trees whose species it resembles somewhat. An Ent can be tall or short, thin or wide and with varying numbers of extremities. Ents were at one time mute but were taught to speak by the Elves. Ents take their roots from Old English fairytales.

image of a Cadejo


The white Cadejo can be found in southern Mexico, they are known to appear at night to protect travelers. It is shaggy and dog-like but much larger and with red eyes and cloven hooves. Cadejos smell strongly of goats and protect drunks, vagabonds and people who have made bad decisions. But one must never turn one’s back on the Cadejo and one must never speak to them.

image of a hippogriff
image of an amphiptere
image of a griffin
image of a panlong dragon
image of a hippocampus
image of a selkie
image of a xiuhcoatl
image of a pheonix
image of a fire sprite
image of a Tatzelwurm
image of an Ent
image of a Cadejo